Kiwanis Club of Petoskey History

The Kiwanis Club of Petoskey was established in 1922.  The Club performs many community service projects in Petoskey to help serve children.  We distinguish ourselves as a “hands-on” service organization.  We fundraise through various efforts and we sponsor three Service Leadership Programs in Petoskey.  These leadership programs are the equivalent of Kiwanis at each school level, with 40 Builders Club members at Petoskey Middle School, close to 50 members in the Key Club at Petoskey High School, and the newly launched Circle K Club at North Central Michigan College.  These programs are very, very important to our Club and create opportunities for the children in our community to strengthen character, improve grades and develop as future leaders through service. 

We meet every Tuesday (noon-1pm) for lunch, a speaker, and a meeting. Currently, we meet at City Park Grill, downtown Petoskey. Stop by and see what we’re about!

This site is just a newborn. Bear with us.

Petoskey, June 1945